“Whatever is noble, glorious, powerful and magnanimous, know that to have sprung from a spark of my splendour” Thus spoke Lord Krishna in the Bhagvad Gita. And the Heggade of Dharmasthala fits the description perfectly.
The position of the Heggade of Dharmasthala is a unique one, unknown in any other religious center in India. In the tradition of this Kshetra, he represents Lord Manjunatha. He is a pious grahastha or house holder with numerous religious, social and cultural responsibilities. After assuming the responsibility of the Heggade, his religious duties include propagating the tradition of Dharma in accordance with the command of the Daivas, who accept him as their foster son and ensure that the traditional rituals are observed regularly in the temple of Lord Manjunatha. Discharging his responsibilities true to his conscience and acting on the precepts of religion, the Heggade acquires an aura of divinity which enables him to function as a representative of Lord Manjunatha and other Dharma Daivas. He executes his social responsibilities as a pious grahastha through the four traditional Daanas – Anna Daana, Aushadha Daana, Vidya Daana and Abhaya Daana. These are the traditionally observed charities of granting food, medicine, education and ensuring freedom from fear. The Heggade is regarded as the voice of Lord Manjunatha. He is expected to dispense justice, advice and munificent to whoever approaches him with his problems and needs.
Twenty generations of the Heggade lineage have devoted their lives to manage and develop the Dharmasthala kshetra. Sheer dedication, selfless service and pious devotion to God and man have been the foundation of the revered religious center, Dharmasthala.